
What do these israeli children write on the bombes?

Are they writting the peaceful and friendly message for Lebanese children?


Anonymous said...

Hezbollah is Terrorism, Hasan Nasrollah is Leader of Terrorism

Iranian inside IRAN Support ISRAEL

مرگ بر حزب الله
زنده با د اسراييل


Anonymous said...

كودكان زيبای اسراييلی در هنگام نوشتن پيام صلح و آرزوی اصابت نكردن اين موشك ها بر شهر ها زنان و كودكان هستند

انشا الله حزب الله نابود گردد

Down With Hezbollah

اگر راست ميگی نظرات را پاك نكن

همه طرفدار اسراييل هستند

Tehran & TelAviv are Sister Cities

Love for Israel

ايرانيان عزيز برادرانمان در جبهه های نبرد عليه حزب الله تروريسم در نبردند بر سر نماز دعايشان كنيم


Anonymous said...

Down with israeil

Anonymous said...

This needs to stop! This is terrible...This shouldn't happen to innocent children, women, and men...these pics have completely broken my heart...you don't see these things on american tv...honestly as much as it hurts to say i wish we did see it over here...maybe things might start to change...people's eyes would open better....stop sugar-coating all of what is seen on american tv... i am american myself...and this has truly and sincerely hurt me...and i truly pray that this stops soon...know matter how you look at it...we are all brothers & sisters in some odd sort of way...so with that being said...would we do this to our own family members.... much prayer to all children, women, men, arabs, israelis, lebonese, americans.....God Bless YOU and YOURS....

yousuf said...

this is very i fuck israel

yousuf said...

this is very bad i kill israel i fuck israel puzzy israel

yousuf said...

i hope i am powerfull all muslim not talk what happen why u attack

Anonymous said...

Yousof... that's not the way a Moslem express his mind. We are all devastated by this taqdir... but you have to embed in your heart and mind that Allah is with us... all the way... and as stated in the Al-Quran... they will get theirs... love for all the Moslem and all the innocent people, Lebaneese, Arabs and Jewish...
"Read... look around... analize and think... for those who think are the most fortunate"

Anonymous said...

It exclusively your opinion